BNB Investing Podcast

Exploring loan options for investment properties with David Del Vecchio

Rich Munroe Season 1 Episode 20

David Del Vecchio, Custom Finance. Custom Finance Inc was formed in April 1990, after David worked for another company for 6 years and managing up to 29 people and closing 35 Million a year. That experience taught David that the cream of the crop was not who he wanted to be working with. He preferred to work with the people who had slight issues and were turned down by the banks. He gets much satisfaction helping people achieve their investment goals.
That required him to seek out lenders who were willing to work with people who perhaps couldn't prove income, had no experience or had credit issues. That search led me to some of his current list of lenders. Presently, I can work with about 30 different lenders and each one has unique programs that they offer.

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Rich Munroe